ENÅ Pub Crawl 2016

ENÅ PUB CRAWL IS HERE AGAIN! What's the deal here? We hop on a bus on Kauppatori, we roam around the bars of Western Turku and we end up back at Kauppatori later the same night. After that it's all up to you! We have officially signed 4 bars out of 6 at the moment, […]

ENÅ X-mas Party 2016!

Aboa Mare Juhana Herttuan puistokatu 21, Turku

It is that magical time of year again when snow should be falling and friends should be calling, which can only mean one thing; the annual Christmas party is at the door! Spend a proper night with Aboa Mare students, personnel and avecs, mingle and enjoy yourself with good company and some drinks, not to […]

€30 – €35

Sailors’ Spring Break

Radiomiehenkatu Radiomiehenkatu 3

Ahoy sailors! It's time for a break! What could be a better way to celebrate it than a get together in Sailors' Spring Break 2017! So shake off your winter freezeness and come feel a slight wind from the Pacific at the party place. What? SSB 2017! When? Wednesday 01.03.2017 Where? Radiomiehenkatu 3 Entrance? 5 […]

€5 – €7

ENÅ Wappu MAYhem 2017!

At the beginning of May there is a place for celebration; Summer is right around the corner and the semester is coming to its end. For this special occasion, the student tradition of May-Day aka Wappu is taking place! As you might know, we at ENÅ take traditions and parties very seriously and hence, we […]

Freshmen Party

Shaolin Dojo Linnankatu 61, Turku, Finland

We are going to organize a party for freshmen. The idea is to just chill together with mr alcohol and different games. We will start and meet up at skärgårdsbaren around 1800 where we will have etkot in the club side.

5€ – 8€

ENÅ Wappu Mayhem

Turku Turku, Finland

Hello Sailors and friends! Are you ready for the Wappu Mayhem ? 29.4: Amazing Sailor Race or familiary ASR. Lots of sailor themed games in Linnapuisto, just outside Turun Linna. Choose a friend and start practising for the games. 30.4: Wappu with ENÅ. Just a relaxed hang out at Vartiovuorenmäki to get the Wappu feeling. […]

Amazing Sailor Race

Turun Linnan Puisto Linnankatu 80, Turku, Finland

Amazing Sailor Race or familiary ASR. Lots of sailor themed games in Linnapuisto, just outside Turun Linna. Choose a friend and start practising for the games. We also have an awesome overall patch to sell just for 5€, buy it and you'll also get a free beverage. So CASH IS KING!

Wappu with ENÅ

Vartiovuori Vartiovuorenmäki, Turku, Finland

Enå Wappu part 2! Wappu with Enå is the greatest way you can spend your wappu evening. Take your friends with you and introduce sailors to other people. We will start @klubben around 1500 and head to vartiovuori around 1800. You are free to join us whenever. No fees but please support ENÅ by buying […]

ENÅ Wappu Picnic

Vartiovuori Vartiovuorenmäki, Turku, Finland

ENÅ Wappu part 3! You feel hungover? Then this is the place to be! Bring your friends and enjoy a lovely day @vartiovuorenmäki. Suddenly you wont have hangover anymore... We will bring the barbeque up to hill if the weather allows and a day full of crazy stories is guaranteed.